We would like to announce the results of 'The 3rd Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2019' today. 'The 3rd Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2019' was held from 15 to 17 April 2019 at each participating schools. With the participation of teachers, students, arbiters and all the other supporters, this championship is conducted successfully.
Overall, the performance of the participants in this championship are excellent. Thirteen participants score full marks (which is 120 marks) in this championship. These thirteen participants will be awarded a certificate of perfect score each.
Here are the lists of the overall champion of 'The 3rd Benedict Goh
Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2019' for each school year
category. They will be awarded the title of Malaysia Schools Mathematics
Champion 2019 (MSMChampion 2019), which remains the supreme means of recognition in the
country. This title is contested annually and will only be awarded to
the top ranked competitor for each school year category.
What follows are the list of participants who achieve the requirements of
the national level special titles of mathematics in Malaysia in 'The 3rd Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2019'. The organising committee has redefined the qualification criteria for the special titles of mathematics in Malaysia starting from 1 January 2019. The qualification criteria has been raised to a higher standard. Therefore, for participants who already achieving the titles in the previous championship, but achieving the new norms again this year, they will receive a new certificate carrying the respective title again this year. Participants who achieve the special titles of mathematics in the previous championship will still maintain their titles.
Special Titles of Mathematics 2019 (Malaysia National Grand Master of Mathematics, Malaysia National Master of Mathematics, Malaysia National Candidate Master of Mathematics)
Last but not least, here are the list of winners of 'The 3rd Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2019'. Congratulations to all the winners.
School Year Category: Secondary 1 to 3
School Year Category: Secondary 4 to 6
Please take note, further instructions and full results of each participating schools will be sent to the teacher-in-charge via e-mail very soon. Students are required to check their particulars such as the spelling of their names. The particulars appear in the document will be printed on the participant's certificate. The date of the distribution of the awards pack will be announced later.
Finally, we would like to thank all of our participants, teachers, arbiters and supporters for making this event successful. Thank you.
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