First and foremost, we would like to thank you for joining this competition. Your participation makes this event successful. Here are the final results of the competition. The awards pack has been sent to each participating schools. Thank you and hope to see you again next year.
The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024
Championship Day Announcement (Mode 2)
19 July 2024 (Friday) - For primary school, the links for the online competition has been shared with the teacher-in-charges via WhatsApp at night time
20 July 2024 (Saturday) - The online competition for primary school starts now at 10.00 a.m.
19 July 2024 (Friday) - For primary school, the links for the online competition has been shared with the teacher-in-charges via WhatsApp at night time
20 July 2024 (Saturday) - The online competition for primary school starts now at 10.00 a.m.
Test Run (Mode 2 Fully Online Championship) (ENDED!)
Starting Date & Time: 15 July 2024, Monday - 9.00 pm
Ending Date & Time: 19 July 2024, Friday - 9.00 pm
Click the following link to join the test run.
Join the BMC 2024 Test Run for Fully Online Mode
Starting Date & Time: 15 July 2024, Monday - 9.00 pm
Ending Date & Time: 19 July 2024, Friday - 9.00 pm
Click the following link to join the test run.
Join the BMC 2024 Test Run for Fully Online Mode
The registration deadline for 'The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024' has been extended to 26 June 2024 (Wednesday). All the registration received before 11.59 pm of 26 June 2024 will be accepted by the organiser.
Two modes of championship are available. Each participating school (or tuition centre) is free to choose any one and only one mode of the championship for all its participants.
Mode 1: Paper-Based Championship at Schools, with Online Submission of Answers
16 July 2024 (Tuesday) to 19 July 2024 (Friday) – one day to be chosen by school
16 July 2024 (Tuesday) to 19 July 2024 (Friday) – one day to be chosen by school
Mode 2: Fully Online Championship at Home of each Participant or any Suitable Venue
Primary Schools: 20 July 2024 (Saturday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Secondary Schools: 21 July 2024 (Sunday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Primary Schools: 20 July 2024 (Saturday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Secondary Schools: 21 July 2024 (Sunday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
(Participants under Mode 2 can choose any 1 hour 45 minutes within the designated period stated above to complete the fully online competition.)
Important Documents
Championship Information Pack 2024
Championship Poster 2024
Parents Consent Form 2024 (To be filled by parents and submitted to teachers)
Excel Registration Form 2024 (To be filled by teachers and submitted to organiser by email)
Championship Information Pack 2024
Championship Poster 2024
Parents Consent Form 2024 (To be filled by parents and submitted to teachers)
Excel Registration Form 2024 (To be filled by teachers and submitted to organiser by email)
Request an Invitation Email
Official invitation emails can be requested by school teachers and tuition teachers here.
How to Register?
Registration can be done by teacher-in-charges only. Teachers will register for students by submitting the filled excel spreadsheet registration form and the proof of payment to the organiser's email inbox at
Registration opens from now until 11.59 p.m. of the 15th of June, 2024 (Saturday). For more information, scroll down and click the post 'Register for BMC Malaysia Schools 2024'.
Previous Event: The 6th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2023
All other older announcement can be found here.
Monday, 4 September 2017
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Photos of The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championships 2017 was held from 19 to 23 June 2017 at each participating schools. It was a great and meaningful event! In those five days, students from different regions of Malaysia answer our mathematics questions at their schools. All the students have did their best to solve the challenging mathematics problems during the championship.
Here are the selected photos of the championship. The photos are taken during the championship at the participating schools and championship centres all over Malaysia. We are glad to see our participants answering the questions provided by us happily. We would also like to thank all the teacher-in-charge for helping us in taking the championships photos and sharing them with us.
West Malaysia
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The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
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The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
East Malaysia
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The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
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The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
If you are a participant of this championship, we hope that this event has made you love mathematics. Last but not least, we also hope that you like these photos.
Friday, 21 April 2017
Awards, Prizes and Certificates for BMC Malaysia Schools 2017
Top scorers in the competition will receive special awards. In addition to a student report, each competitor will receive a certificate of participation issued by the Ngie Hin Enterprise Company. All the contest certificates are endorsed by our Ratification & Awards Committee. The founder of Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships - BMC Worldwide, Mr. Benedict Goh Kah Hong heads the committee and will be the main signatory for all certificates.
In order to ensure that the certification is valid and genuine, all the BMC Certificates will be numbered and personally signed by the founder. They will be listed publicly on our official website as well. The logo of BMC will be printed on the certificates. Since the competition is officially endorsed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia, their logo will be printed on it as well. In addition, our certificates will be signed by another top officer or the representative of the Ministry of Education to ensure authenticity.
Therefore, it is suitable to include the championship certificates issued by us in student’s school portfolio to strengthen their application for further studies, universities and scholarships.
Here is the grading scale for the 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017. The prizes and certificates are awarded on the following basis:
Letter Grade
Diamond Awards
Trophy + Certificate
100 marks
Gold Awards
Gold Medal + Certificate
92-99 marks
Silver Awards
Silver Medal + Certificate
85-91 marks
Bronze Awards
Bronze Medal + Certificate
78-84 marks
High Distinction Awards
Medal + Certificate of Achievement
70-77 marks
Distinction Awards
Medal + Certificate of Achievement
60-69 marks
Credit Awards
Medal + Certificate of Achievement
50-59 marks
Merit Awards
Medal + Certificate of Achievement
40-49 marks
Participation Awards
Certificate of Participation
0-39 marks
The BMC Diamond Awards
The BMC Diamond Award is awarded to students who score 100 marks in the competition. They will be awarded a Gold Trophy and a Perfect Score Diamond Awards Certificate. It should be noted that students must have written the test on the official competition sitting date and the result must be judged as sufficiently meritorious to be eligible for a BMC Diamond Award.
The Brain of the Year Awards 2017
The top primary and secondary school competitors will be automatically proposed as a nominee of the brain of the year awards 2017.
Special Titles of Mathematics
To encourage new entrants globally to take up the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships, the organising committee has decided to introduce a new title recognising significant achievement of competitors. Any competitor who already has a full Grand Master title will maintain their title for life.
The title of Malaysia Schools Mathematics Champion, contested annually, remains the supreme means of recognition in the country.
The qualification criteria for the special titles of Mathematics, which will be awarded at ‘The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championships 2017’, are as follow. Competitor must achieve all the norms in a single championship in order to obtain the titles.
Malaysian Grand Master of Mathematics (MYGMM)
- Must be a secondary school or pre-university student
- Must answer at least 7 out of 8 of the Section C questions correctly
- Must obtain a final marks of 85 and above
- Must be in the top 120 ranked in the respective school year category
- Must answer all the questions but not solely focusing on the Section C questions
Malaysian Master of Mathematics (MYMM)
- Must be a secondary school or pre-university student
- Must answer at least 5 out of 8 of the Section C questions correctly
- Must obtain a final marks of 78 and above
- Must be in the top 300 ranked in the respective school year category
- Must answer all the questions but not solely focusing on the Section C questions
Malaysian Young Expert of Mathematics (MYEM)
- Must be a primary school student
- Must answer at least 7 out of 8 of the Section C questions correctly
- Must obtain a final marks of 85 and above
- Must be in the top 180 ranked in the respective school year category
- Must answer all the questions but not solely focusing on the Section C questions
These special titles will only be awarded to the Malaysian competitors who achieve the norms and are not already a Grand Master.
P.S. The photo shown is for illustration purpose only. The actual awards might be different from the picture.
P.S. The photo shown is for illustration purpose only. The actual awards might be different from the picture.
Sunday, 16 April 2017
BMC Malaysia Schools 2017: Summary of Core Responsibilities
The Ngie Hin Enterprise Company is currently the global representative for Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships - BMC Worldwide. The BMC Game is growing worldwide and expanding its brand internationally. We intend to host the 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 in this coming June and we estimate that there will be more than 1200 schools around Malaysia joining us in this competition. What follows is a summary of the most important responsibilities with regards to the organization of the championship.
Participating Schools
Advertising and promotion of the event;
The participating schools are responsible for promoting the event among the school community. The schools authorities should inform the students and parents about this championship, and the benefits of taking part in this competition. Teachers should also encourage students to participate in this national level mathematics competition. The sharing of the competition information in the official website or Facebook page of schools are welcomed as well.
Fill up the registration form and make payment;
The main teacher in-charge of each participating school should help the students to fill up the competitors registration form and also the school registration form. The school also acts as a media for the competitors to pay their registration fees. The school should make payment before the competition closing date.
Since the participating schools are required to conduct the competition by themselves, they are responsible for finding a suitable venue for the competition. The suggested venue is at the school hall or in a class, depending on the number of competitors. We would prefer that all competitors being placed at the same space. In addition, the light intensity, noise control, air humidity and the surrounding temperature must be suitable.
As we all know that students learn mathematics in classroom every day, so special training and preparation for the competition is not necessary. However, we are also very happy and glad to hear from you if the school provide extra competition training class for students, in order to rise the overall results. Sample questions and training materials can be downloaded from this website.
Sponsorship for outstanding students (optional);
School can also provide sponsorship for outstanding students, by helping them to pay the registration fees. You can use the specimen papers attached to the invitation letters as a qualification test for the sponsorship. We will not publish the specimen papers online until the 1st of May, 2017.
Arranging for volunteers (teacher-in-charge);
The participating school should arrange for volunteers (teacher-in-charge) to be trained as licensed arbiters of mathematics. The teacher in charge is responsible for safeguarding the contest package and conducting the championship. The arbiter acts as the head of ethics of the game and is responsible for supervising the behavior of the competitors. The ratio of the arbiters to competitors should not be more than 1:30.
Conduct the competition based on the guideline;
Teacher-in-charge must conduct the championship in their school, according to the guideline, which will be published on our website before the competition. Any failure in following our guideline might cause the results of competitors of that participating school not being tabulated into our ranking system. For example, the answer sheets should be sent back to us in one week after the competition.
Catering for teacher-in-charge and competitors (optional).
The participating school are encouraged to provide refreshment for teacher-in-charge and competitors after the competition ends, if allowed financially. This is to foster the relationship between competitors and provide them with a chance to exchange experiences and knowledge in mathematics.
The Ngie Hin Enterprise Company
Competitor Registrations;
We will publish the competition registration form in our official website before the registration period. The school which intends to participate should fill in those forms. We will manage all the competitors personal particulars and the information of participating schools. Then, we will confirm your registration by sending an email after making sure that the amount of registration fees received is proportional to the number of competitors. We will also announce the list of participating schools and students if we think that it is necessary.
Preparation of all the competition documents and contest papers;
We will prepare all the documents related to the competition, which includes official invitation letter for schools, parents and students, the competition info pack (the details of the championship), specimen papers and guideline for competitors and arbiters. We will also provide contest papers, which will be sent to the participating school one week before the competition.
We will promote the 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 by sending official invitation letter to all the primary schools, secondary schools and colleges in Malaysia. We will also post about the competition information in our official website. A press conference will be conducted before the competition. We will establish our official Facebook page to promote the event.
The Ngie Hin Enterprise Company will conduct BMC Licensed Arbiters of Mathematics Training Course and BMC Licensed Instructors of Mathematics Training Course at selected schools. In these courses, teachers are trained to coach competitors and to supervise a competition. Those who pass the final qualification exam will receive a formal certificate and their name will be listed on our website.
Printing of the competition papers;
We will print all the contest papers and send them to the schools one week before the competition. For the 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017, both of the questions paper and answer sheets will be printed in A4 size. Only black and white version is available for this competition.
Supervision of the competition;
Our top officers, including the founder of the game, Mr. Benedict Goh Kah Hong will be visiting a few selected participating schools, to supervise the competition. A photo session with the founder or BMC officers are available too.
Distribution and collection of competition paper at the start and end of the competition;
The Ngie Hin Enterprise Company is in charge of distributing the contest papers at the start of the competition and the collection of contest papers at the end of the competition. We will send the question papers to schools one week before the competition. After the competition, we will collect the answer sheets for marking.
Publishing of news about the event on the competition official website;
We will also write articles and publish some news related to the competition on the official website, in order to promote the competition. This is to be done by our Homepage and Statistics team.
Publishing of the results and rankings on the official website;
We will publish the results and details rankings on the official website of the competition, once we finish marking and finalise the results. We estimate that we can publish the results by the 31st of August, 2017. The name list of the Grand Master of Mathematics will be published on our website too.
Marking and grading of the contest papers;
As the hosting organization, we are responsible for the marking and grading of the contest papers. Once we publish the results, competitor can submit a review request by filling up a form in our website, if he/she is not satisfied with the results. We will make response by sending email.
Provide the competition statistics;
We will publish the competition statistics on our website, which include the results, details rankings, registered schools, registered competitors and number of competitors. The statistics can be used for future reference.
Provide media with score, statistics and competitor information;
We will provide media with score, statistics and general information of the competitor if necessary. We will also arrange an interview with every outstanding competitor if there is possibility. The interview will be published publicly on our website and even other news media.
Medals, trophies and certificates for winners for all levels;
We will provide gold, silver and bronze medals for winners, based on our grading scale and participation certificate for all competitors. The trophies are awarded to competitor who scores full marks only. The certificates issued by us will be signed by the founder personally and is suitable to be used for further studies application.
Certification for competitors, arbiters, instructors and volunteers;
Special titles of Mathematics such as Malaysian Grand Master of Mathematics, Malaysian Master of Mathematics and Malaysian Young Experts of Mathematics will be awarded in the BMC Malaysia Schools 2017. All competitors who are qualified for those titles will receive a formal certificate from the organiser. The Licensed Arbiters of Mathematics, Licensed Instructors of Mathematics and volunteers will receive their certificate as well.
Organising the opening and closing ceremony and awards presentation;
Both opening and closing ceremony will be conducted at Sibu Town, Sarawak this year. We will provide catering for winners during the awarding ceremony. We plan to have our awarding ceremony at Good Happiness Restaurant, Sibu in October, to reward the competitor's achievement officially.
Friday, 14 April 2017
Register for BMC Malaysia Schools 2017
Now you can register for the championship here!
1. Fill in both schools and competitors registration form in our website.
2. Make payment to NGIE HIN ENTERPRISE COMPANY (RHB Bank Account No: 21103450913311)
3. Email the bank-in slip to
4. We will confirm your registration by sending a confirmation email.
Kindly take note that the registration is considered valid once the full payment has been received. The registration closing date is on the 10th of May, 2017 (Wednesday), any registration after the closing date is invalid. If you need further assist, please drop us an email at
Registration Fees
RM 30.00 per competitor
Payment Info
Bank Name: RHB Bank Account Number: 21103450913311 |
minimum of 3 entries, regardless of the school year level, is required.
Remark: The registration for 'The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017' has been officially close on the 26th of May, 2017. Stay tune for our next event.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
The Details of the BMC Malaysia Schools 2017
A Brief Introduction to the Competition
‘The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017’ is the very first mathematics competition organized by the Ngie Hin Enterprise Company, Sibu for primary and secondary school students. The competition is open to all the students from Year 1 to Form 6 in Malaysia. We hope and expect to receive a tremendous response from schools, parents and students on this excited opportunity.
The Objectives of the Championship
- To stimulate interest in mathematics among the youngsters.
- To expose students to interesting maths problems and higher-order thinking skills questions. This will be a great opportunity for the students to prepare for their school and public mathematics examinations.
- Enable students to gain extra co-curricular activities marks. The certificates issued by us are suitable for strengthening their further study application.
- To provide a platform for students to compete at a national level competition.
- To allow students to apply their knowledge in Mathematics that they learned in school.
Why the BMC Malaysia 2017 is Special?
- BMC is a unique mathematics competition. It is different from the other Mathematical Olympiads competition, which tests knowledge beyond the school syllabus.
- BMC syllabus is mainly common with the Malaysian school syllabus. Thus, every student can compete at a national level without any professional training or advanced knowledge.
- BMC questions are easier compared to other Mathematical Olympiad competitions.
- The BMC questions are with different levels of difficulty according to the school year of competitors.
- The results and detail ranking will be announced on our official blog. Students are able to compare their own results at a national level.
- BMC is an internationally recognized competition and is expanding its brand worldwide.
The Benefits of Participating in the Competition
- Student’s interest in mathematics will increase.
- Improve one’s ability to answer problem solving questions, which require higher-order thinking skills.
- Enable students to participate in a national level mathematics competition.
Official Endorsement from Ministry of Education, Malaysia
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 is approved, officially endorsed and supported by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, KPM).
All competitors are then able to gain extra co-curriculum marks by participating in this national level competition. In addition, participants may also include the championship certificates issued by us in their school portfolio to strengthen their application for universities and scholarships.
The ‘Grandmaster of Mathematics’ titles are recognized worldwide and the certificate which carries the special title is suitable to be used for further study application.
Who should participate?
All primary, secondary and pre-university students who would like to increase their skills in mathematical problem solving and compete internationally should take part in this competition.
How to Participate?
- Registration should be done by teacher-in-charge only.
- Fill up the school registration form and competitor registration form in our website.
- Make payment and email the payment slip to
- A confirmation email will be sent to the schools, teacher-in-charge and all competitors. Registered schools and competitors will also be announced in our website.
- One week before the contest, the test papers will be sent to the schools.
- On the contest day, the schools conduct the championship at their own venues.
- School will enforce the regulations of the championship, especially making sure that the questions are not leaked before the competition day.
- The school returns the answer sheets to be graded.
- The teacher-in-charge sends us the contest photos via email.
- The results will be announced in our official website.
- The winners attend the awarding ceremony at the end of the year.
- Prizes will be delivered to schools if winners are unable to attend the awarding ceremony.
Important Dates
Registration Period : 10th of April to 10th of May, 2017
Competition Date : 19th to 23rd of June, 2017
Returning the Answer Sheet : by the 30th of June, 2017
Result Day : by 31st of August, 2017
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 is open for students from Primary One to Upper 6 in Malaysia. Any pre-university student studying in Malaysia is eligible to take part in the championship. This includes students in government schools, private schools, matriculation colleges, private colleges, international schools, and home-schooled students. Each school can send as many students as desired. Please contact us if you have more than 120 competitors so that our top officers can make arrangement to visit your school on the contest day.
Preparation for the Championship
Specific preparation for the championship is not required as the contest is skills-based. However, to support you and your students we’ve created a suite of practice materials. To help prepare for BMC you can download the sample questions and answers in our website.
The Format of the Competition
- The competition is an individual written test.
- The paper contains 25 questions, objective (multiple choice) questions for Year 1 and Year 2 categories and subjective (problem solving) questions for competitors of the rest of the school years.
- The time allotted is 90 minutes only.
- Each participant will receive an answer sheet to record their answer. Competitors must fill in the answers in the answer sheet provided by using 2B pencil only. Competitors will not be awarded marks for any answer written in the question paper.
- Students should only bring pencil, eraser and necessary items to the competition.
- Student may not use a calculator, any unauthorised electronic devices (including mobile phones) or a reference text during the competition.
Rules & Regulations of the Competition
1. Strict silence must be observed at all times in the examination hall.
2. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify the team in the event of malpractice to differentiate between those outstanding competitors. If a competitor or a team is disqualified from the championship, all the awards will be cancelled automatically.
3. Through registration, I agree to be abided by the rules of the championships.
The Syllabus (Topic Covered) of the Competition
The posed test questions are based on the Malaysian school syllabus, and according to the school year category of the students. Only Section C questions will test the mathematical knowledge that is slightly beyond the school syllabus. Please visit our website for sample questions.
Languages of the Contest Papers
The contest paper will be in 3 languages: English, Malay and Simplified Chinese.
The Scoring System: How Championship Points are awarded
To ensure a fair and consistent scoring system for all competitions worldwide, the Standard Counting System for the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships was adopted. The scoring system and marks for each question are as below. Remember, no marks will be deducted for incorrect or blank answers. The maximum marks that can be obtained are 100 marks. The competitor with the highest marks wins.
Level of difficulties
No. of questions
Calculation Factors
Total Marks
8 questions
3 marks / correct answer
24 marks
9 questions
4 marks / correct answer
36 marks
8 questions
5 marks / correct answer
40 marks
The Results of the Competition
The results of the competition will be announced in our official website once we finish the marking and finalise the results. We estimate that we can publish the results by the 31st of August, 2017.
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