The Official Website for the World's Most Prestigious Mathematics Game

The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024

Championship Day Announcement (Mode 2)
19 July 2024 (Friday) - For primary school, the links for the online competition has been shared with the teacher-in-charges via WhatsApp at night time
20 July 2024 (Saturday) - The online competition for primary school starts now at 10.00 a.m.

Test Run (Mode 2 Fully Online Championship) (ENDED!)
Starting Date & Time: 15 July 2024, Monday - 9.00 pm
Ending Date & Time: 19 July 2024, Friday - 9.00 pm
Click the following link to join the test run.
Join the BMC 2024 Test Run for Fully Online Mode

The registration deadline for 'The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024' has been extended to 26 June 2024 (Wednesday). All the registration received before 11.59 pm of 26 June 2024 will be accepted by the organiser.

Two modes of championship are available. Each participating school (or tuition centre) is free to choose any one and only one mode of the championship for all its participants.

Mode 1: Paper-Based Championship at Schools, with Online Submission of Answers
16 July 2024 (Tuesday) to 19 July 2024 (Friday) – one day to be chosen by school

Mode 2: Fully Online Championship at Home of each Participant or any Suitable Venue
Primary Schools: 20 July 2024 (Saturday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Secondary Schools: 21 July 2024 (Sunday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
(Participants under Mode 2 can choose any 1 hour 45 minutes within the designated period stated above to complete the fully online competition.)

Important Documents
Championship Information Pack 2024
Championship Poster 2024
Parents Consent Form 2024 (To be filled by parents and submitted to teachers)
Excel Registration Form 2024 (To be filled by teachers and submitted to organiser by email)

Request an Invitation Email
Official invitation emails can be requested by school teachers and tuition teachers here.

How to Register?
Registration can be done by teacher-in-charges only. Teachers will register for students by submitting the filled excel spreadsheet registration form and the proof of payment to the organiser's email inbox at

Registration opens from now until 11.59 p.m. of the 15th of June, 2024 (Saturday). For more information, scroll down and click the post 'Register for BMC Malaysia Schools 2024'.

Previous Event: The 6th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2023
All other older announcement can be found here.

Friday 19 April 2024

Introducing the Official Telegram Channel of the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships in Malaysia

We are happy to announce that the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships (Malaysia) now has an official Telegram channel. We invite all teachers, parents and students to join us on Telegram. This Telegram channel welcomes all students in Malaysia who love mathematics, including students who are not yet registered as participants of our mathematics championships. Information about our current and future events will be shared on this Telegram channel.

Join us on Telegram by using your Mobile Phone

We recommend that you join our Telegram channel by using your mobile phone (Android phone or Apple iPhone). To do so, you must have the Telegram app installed on your mobile phone, and you must also have a Telegram account. If you do not have them yet, but still want to join us on Telegram, you can first create a Telegram account for yourself by following the seven steps below.

(Remark: If you already have a Telegram account on your mobile phone, you can skip the seven steps below and proceed directly to the paragraph after these seven steps.)

    1. Make sure that your mobile phone has a phone number. This is because a phone number is required for creating a Telegram account.
    2. Open the Google Play Store (for Android phones) or the Apple App Store (for Apple iPhones) on your mobile phone.
    3. Key in Telegram.
    4. Select Telegram by pressing it.
    5. Install the Telegram app by pressing the "Install" button.
    6. After the installation is completed, open the Telegram app on your mobile phone.
    7. Create a Telegram account for yourself according to the instructions shown. You may need to key in your phone number and some other information requested by the Telegram app.
      (Note that creating a Telegram account for yourself and joining our official Telegram channel is free of charge.)

After installing the Telegram app and creating a Telegram account for yourself on your mobile phone, you can join our Telegram channel by following the six steps below. Then, you will be able to access the contents of our Telegram channel and stay updated on all the important news about our mathematics championships in the future.

    1. Open the Telegram app on your mobile phone.
    2. Press the magnifying glass icon (search icon / search bar) at the top right corner of the Telegram app.
      (The location of the magnifying glass icon / search icon / search bar might be different in different versions of the Telegram app.)
    3. Search for our channel by typing "@gohmaths".
    4. Select the Telegram channel "Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships (Malaysia)" by pressing it.
    5. Press the "Join" button to become a member of our Telegram channel.
    6. You can now access the contents of our Telegram channel.
      (Note that you are joining a Telegram channel, but not a Telegram group chat. Only admins can send messages in the Telegram channel.)

Other than using the search bar in the Telegram app, you can also find our Telegram channel by scanning the QR code of our Telegram channel in the diagram below with your mobile phone or by visiting the link of our Telegram channel ( from your mobile web browser. After you scan the QR code of our Telegram channel with your mobile phone, or after you visit the link of our Telegram channel from your mobile web browser, you will be redirected to our Telegram channel in the Telegram app. Then, you just need to press the "Join" button to join our Telegram channel.

Join us on Telegram by using your Tablet

In addition to using a mobile phone, you can also join us on Telegram by using an Android tablet or an Apple iPad. To do so, simply follow the same steps above as for a mobile phone. Remember that you will need a phone number if you wish to create a new Telegram account for yourself on your tablet.

(If you already have a Telegram account on your mobile phone, and you wish to use Telegram on your tablet without having to create a new Telegram account for yourself, you can just sign in to Telegram on your tablet directly. Then, you will be able to start using Telegram on your tablet. You will also be able to join our Telegram channel on your tablet. Note that in this case, you are using the same Telegram account on both your mobile phone and your tablet.)

Join us on Telegram by using your Computer or Laptop

It is also possible to join us on Telegram by using your computer or laptop. To do so, you first need to have the Telegram app installed on your mobile phone. At the same time, you must also have an existing or a newly created Telegram account on your mobile phone. (The steps to install the Telegram app and create a Telegram account on the mobile phone can be found above.)

After that, you can sign in to your Telegram account on your computer (or laptop) at the Telegram Web by using QR code or phone number. Alternatively, you can install the Telegram Desktop app on your computer (or laptop) and sign in to your Telegram account.

Then, you can join our official Telegram channel on your computer (or laptop) by using the Telegram search bar, the QR code of our channel, or the link to our channel. If you are using the Telegram search bar, kindly note that the position of the search bar in the Telegram Web or the Telegram Desktop app might be different from the mobile phone version of Telegram.

Preview our Channel on a Web Browser without having a Telegram Account

To join our Telegram channel officially, you need to have a Telegram account. In case you do not have a Telegram account and you do not wish to create a Telegram account for yourself, you don't have to worry about it. This is because all the important information about our mathematics championships will still be updated on our official website.

Besides, you can actually access the contents of our Telegram channel without having a Telegram account. Just open your web browser and visit After that, click "Preview channel", but not the "View in Telegram" button, as you do not have the Telegram app installed on your device. Then, you will be able to access the contents of our Telegram channel on your web browser without having a Telegram account. This should work on laptops, tablets and mobile phones, as long as the device does not have the Telegram app installed and you are not signed in to a Telegram account on that device.

Spread the Word

It would be great if you could help us to spread the word about our official Telegram channel! If you are a teacher teaching at a primary school, secondary school or pre-university college in Malaysia, you can promote our official Telegram channel by sharing this announcement with other school mathematics teachers in Malaysia who are interested in mathematical events. If you are a student studying at a primary school, secondary school or pre-university college in Malaysia, you can inform your friends (other students in Malaysia) who love mathematics about the Telegram channel of our mathematics competition.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our Telegram channel or our mathematics championships. We look forward to seeing you on our Telegram channel and we wish you the best of luck in your preparations for the future mathematics championships!



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Welcome to the Official Website for the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships - BMC Worldwide and the official home for the most prestigious test of mathematics in the world.

The Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships is a competitive mathematics game founded by Benedict Goh Kah Hong in 2017 when he staged the very first Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship in 2017.

You can register here to learn mathematics, compete, find out how the game works, follow the achievements of competitors or see the results of competitions worldwide.

If you are interested in forming a mathematics club, or staging a competition, you can find our contact details on the About Us page.

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