The Official Website for the World's Most Prestigious Mathematics Game

The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024

Championship Day Announcement (Mode 2)
19 July 2024 (Friday) - For primary school, the links for the online competition has been shared with the teacher-in-charges via WhatsApp at night time
20 July 2024 (Saturday) - The online competition for primary school starts now at 10.00 a.m.

Test Run (Mode 2 Fully Online Championship) (ENDED!)
Starting Date & Time: 15 July 2024, Monday - 9.00 pm
Ending Date & Time: 19 July 2024, Friday - 9.00 pm
Click the following link to join the test run.
Join the BMC 2024 Test Run for Fully Online Mode

The registration deadline for 'The 7th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2024' has been extended to 26 June 2024 (Wednesday). All the registration received before 11.59 pm of 26 June 2024 will be accepted by the organiser.

Two modes of championship are available. Each participating school (or tuition centre) is free to choose any one and only one mode of the championship for all its participants.

Mode 1: Paper-Based Championship at Schools, with Online Submission of Answers
16 July 2024 (Tuesday) to 19 July 2024 (Friday) – one day to be chosen by school

Mode 2: Fully Online Championship at Home of each Participant or any Suitable Venue
Primary Schools: 20 July 2024 (Saturday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
Secondary Schools: 21 July 2024 (Sunday) – from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.
(Participants under Mode 2 can choose any 1 hour 45 minutes within the designated period stated above to complete the fully online competition.)

Important Documents
Championship Information Pack 2024
Championship Poster 2024
Parents Consent Form 2024 (To be filled by parents and submitted to teachers)
Excel Registration Form 2024 (To be filled by teachers and submitted to organiser by email)

Request an Invitation Email
Official invitation emails can be requested by school teachers and tuition teachers here.

How to Register?
Registration can be done by teacher-in-charges only. Teachers will register for students by submitting the filled excel spreadsheet registration form and the proof of payment to the organiser's email inbox at

Registration opens from now until 11.59 p.m. of the 15th of June, 2024 (Saturday). For more information, scroll down and click the post 'Register for BMC Malaysia Schools 2024'.

Previous Event: The 6th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2023
All other older announcement can be found here.

Friday 23 February 2024

Awards and Certificates Pack of 'The 6th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2023'

Dear teachers, parents and students, 

First and foremost, we would like to thank you for taking part in ‘The 6th Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2023’. We would like to let you know that the awards and certificates pack for each participating school (including tuition centre and individual participant) of this competition has been shipped out from our side by phase in December 2023 and January 2024.

The final batch of the awards and certificates packages was shipped out from our side at the end of January 2024. We understand that this is later than the original planned date and we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the delay in sending out the awards and certificates. We trust that the awards and certificates package for your school has reached your side before the start of the school holidays in early February 2024. If your school has not received the awards pack, please contact us immediately.

Upon receiving your awards and certificates pack, make sure that you receive all the medals (if applicable) and certificates in correct quantity and also in good condition. Printed certificates were prepared for all participants while medals were prepared only for students obtaining final marks of 70 and above. Printed certificates of appreciation were prepared for all teacher-in-charges too.

Additionally, for your information, starting from BMC 2023, a certificate of excellence and a medal of outstanding performance will be awarded to any participating school (including tuition centre) that meets both criteria below in a single championship.

  • At least 80 students registered for the championship under the participating school;
  • At least 30 students (who registered under the participating school) obtain final marks of 70 and above.

In case you find any incorrect personal particulars on your certificates, or in case your certificates/medals are not in good condition, please contact us immediately. If you are a teacher-in-charge, you can contact us via WhatsApp or email. If you are a student, you can contact us through the teacher-in-charges at your school. We will provide further assistance and instructions upon receiving your message or email.

If you have any suggestions for improving our future championships, and you would like to share them with us, you can write an email and send it to

We will also be updating the lists of medal winners of this championship by school year category on this website in the next few days. Visit our website again in early March 2024 to learn about the winners of this championship from different schools and different regions of Malaysia.

Once again, we thank you for your participation and involvement in this championship, which truly contributed to the success of this event. We hope to see you again in BMC 2024. Thank you.


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Welcome to the Official Website for the Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships - BMC Worldwide and the official home for the most prestigious test of mathematics in the world.

The Benedict Goh Mathematics Championships is a competitive mathematics game founded by Benedict Goh Kah Hong in 2017 when he staged the very first Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship in 2017.

You can register here to learn mathematics, compete, find out how the game works, follow the achievements of competitors or see the results of competitions worldwide.

If you are interested in forming a mathematics club, or staging a competition, you can find our contact details on the About Us page.

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