The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championships 2017 was held from 19 to 23 June 2017 at each participating schools. It was a great and meaningful event! In those five days, students from different regions of Malaysia answer our mathematics questions at their schools. All the students have did their best to solve the challenging mathematics problems during the championship.
Here are the selected photos of the championship. The photos are taken during the championship at the participating schools and championship centres all over Malaysia. We are glad to see our participants answering the questions provided by us happily. We would also like to thank all the teacher-in-charge for helping us in taking the championships photos and sharing them with us.
West Malaysia
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
East Malaysia
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
The 1st Benedict Goh Malaysia Schools Mathematics Championship 2017 |
If you are a participant of this championship, we hope that this
event has made you love mathematics. Last but not least, we also hope
that you like these photos.
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